Tuesday, March 8, 2011

catching up on life

Life has been a whirlwind lately!! Since I last wrote I have changed apartments, changed jobs, and embarked on many new journeys. Things are going great. I spent a few days in Daytona last week, sat three rows from the court at the Orlando Magic basketball game last night, and the week before that I went skydiving. Oh yea, and in two weeks I am headed back to California for a long weekend.
My new job is with Guest Relations at Walt Disney World. I get to meet people from all over the world and do all sorts of things from selling tickets, to planning their vacation, to my favorite (and most challenging) guest recovery. I hear amazing stories and see smiling faces all day. And if people are not having such a magical day, its my job to make it that way. I love the people I work with, and still I love being in Florida. There is always so much to do in Orlando, especially for a gal from a small town in south Georgia.

so whats next for me?

No really, I'm asking. The saying the world is my oyster could not be more fitting for my current situation. I love my job now but I just don't know that I am ready to settle into a "career", so as of now I will finish my current job on June 17. Part of me wants to go back to school, get a master's and maybe even become a professor one day. Another part of me wants to pack a backpack, get on a plane, and see where I end up. I want a job that allows me to travel. I want a job with a company that encourages people to think outside the box and doesn't feel like the traditional 9 to 5 you always hear people talk about. Whatever it is I end up doing, I intend to get the most I can out of it, and give back all the knowledge and success I can, and then some. I want to do something great with my life, and maybe that starts today, or maybe when I am 72. But for now, I am just soaking up every experience I can, living in the moment, and loving not knowing what comes next.